Hello there WeCare Member,
In order to be ready for the FLU SEASON ahead, here are some steps we recommend:
Let’s look at patterns that have happened in the past. To see this information, you can access your WeCare APP, Click IZZY Pix on the left of your screen and apply your filters of the months you are targeting. Once you have picked your timeline to observe, make sure you click on the sales TAB.
With the above information, you know what your top sellers are during the winter months. This assists with knowing what top sellers to stock, and what to advertise to get your customers coming back through your doors.
The last step before the Flu Rush is to ADVERTISE. Your patients can come stock up on their WINTER ESSENTIALS, so the key is to be prepared for the sore throats, runny noses or just boosting their immune systems for winter. Keep in mind, WeCare does this for you, posting on your Facebook page and emailing your patients on your request.